Being Grateful

photo(35)Thanksgiving is about being thankful and grateful and a great opportunity for each of us to think about what we are grateful for.

I lost my grandparents, from my father’s side, when I was young and we lived on a different continent at that time. I loved them greatly and losing them that early, without being there with them, is something I think of often. I also lost my grandfather, from my mother’s side too early and he was one of the most amazing people I have ever had the privilege to know. I am grateful for the years I did have with them, for the wonderful memories we created and I am mostly grateful for my grandmother, whom I love deeply and for my husbands grandmother who is amazing. Those 2 ladies mean the world to me, and my family.

Being a mother, for me, means constant fear and worry and eternal happiness and love for seeing them grow and following life, through their naive, creative, curious eyes.

I am grateful for being able to see some positive in September’s fall, to the healing I’m going through, to remembering everyday it could have been worse and that nothing has been taken away from me because of the fall. Healing is a process that demands patience that I do not always have, but where the small positive steps give a great feeling.

I am grateful for new beginnings, for every recipe I create and try, for bringing smiles and happiness to so many through baking, volunteering and just in daily life.

I have a wonderful support web created by friends, family, the community and the virtual and real world of FB and the Blogging world. All these make me more knowledgeable, caring and feeling alive everyday.

I have the most amazing parents, wonderful husband, best kids, great sister and some of the best “sisters” in addition to her.

I am grateful to live in the free world where I can be what I want, chose those I believe in, let my voice be heard and make a difference. I have lived through too many wars, seen too many casualties of hatred and suffering, and can only try to make this place a better one for future generation.

I am truly grateful and thankful for my life.

What are you grateful for?